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Rabu, 04 November 2009

The Truth about Quit Smoking Hypnosis Therapy
The results from the quit smoking hypnosis therapy depend upon two major factors – (i) your own mental and physical condition, and (ii) the experience and expertise of the hypnotist. Both of these factors would heavily influence the outcome.

1. Your own condition – some people are easily hypnotized, while some people are resistant to it. Those who respond quickly are those who can benefit most out of the quit smoking hypnosis therapy. This is because they would be more receptive to it than those who are not easily hypnotized. You need to find out to which of the groups you belong before choosing this method.

2. The experience of the hypnotist – best qualifications do not always mean that the professional is the best. What makes the professional good (and best) is the experience - and the expertise he/ she gains through it. Some hypnotists are better than others because they have more experience and are better prepared for any eventuality or hiccup in the therapy. Choose the professional who has the highest reputation in your particular field of interest, i.e. quit smoking hypnosis therapy.

Combining Methods to Ensure SuccessAs soon as you leave cigarettes you would experience withdrawal symptoms the degrees of which would vary according to the level of your addiction and nicotine dependency. Some of the withdrawal symptoms might cause depression, sleeplessness, sudden urges to gorge on food, etc. Having the family support you during this time is crucial to your success. It would be a good idea to have a back-up plan and combine the quit smoking hypnosis therapy with adequate medication and support. In this way, even if the quit smoking hypnosis therapy is not one hundred percent successful you would still be able to beat the habit with the help of the other methods and the support you are enlisting.

Remember, there is no foolproof method to quit smoking available yet. In order to succeed it would be a good thing to combine a few compatible methods so that one would back the other and increase your chances for success.
The pain of a migraine headache is one of the most excruciating pains that can be felt. A migraine headache is different from a tension headache both in its cause and severity - often intensely throbbing and one-sided. Migraines affect approximately 8% of the Canadian population, females three times more frequently than males, and can cause huge losses in time spent away from work and pleasure.

While most people only think about the piercing pain in their head that they experience during a migraine attack, there are quite a few associated symptoms. Some of these symptoms can occur before the headache begins and are used as warning signs by people who suffer from frequent migraines. If you have symptoms before your headache begins, you probably have classic migraines. These warning signs are often called auras. If you don't have any symptoms before the migraine begins, you are most likely suffering from common migraines.

Unilateral headache

The intense throbbing pain of a migraine headache is unlike the pain associated with a regular headache. The pain is most often associated with one side of the head and will regularly change to the other side with the next migraine. If the pain is always concentrated in the same place each time you should alert your doctor as this may signal a more serious problem.

Nausea or vomiting

Often combined with light sensitivity, nausea or vomiting may occur as a result of over stimulation. You may begin to feel hot and woozy. You may have trouble driving or riding in a car. The nausea may also be brought on by the intense pain of the migraine headache itself.

Migraine Types

Exertion Migraines are over more quickly than most types of migraines. You can develop one of these migraines if you overextend yourself while you are exercising and develop dehydration at the same time, if you lift something heavy, if you have a sneezing fit, or even if you bend over.

Retinal Migraines are migraines that cause you to temporarily lose vision in an eye. You will probably lose vision before the head pain actually begins.

Herbal remedies are also being used effectively for migraine prevention. Butterbur and feverfew seem particularly helpful.

Butterbur is a shrub-like plant that grows in northern Asia, Europe, and parts of North America. Butterbur extracts are used to treat migraines. Several studies indicate that butterbur is good for migraine prevention. In the largest of these studies, 245 migraineurs took either butterbur extract or a placebo. After four months of treatment, butterbur was more effective than the placebo for migraine prevention.

Lavender can be used for headaches, migraines and sore muscle relief. Lavender eases joint stiffness and helps us cope with chronic pain. Interestingly enough, lavender has antiseptic qualities and even repels insects naturally.

Selasa, 03 November 2009

Information Technology


NFC was approved as an ISO/IEC standard on December 8, 2003 and later as an ECMA standard.

NFC is an open platform technology standardized in ECMA-340 and ISO/IEC 18092. These standards specify the modulation schemes, coding, transfer speeds and frame format of the RF interface of NFC devices, as well as initialization schemes and conditions required for data collision-control during initialization-for both passive and active NFC modes. Furthermore, they also define the transport protocol, including protocol activation and data-exchange methods. Air interface for NFC is standardized in: ISO/IEC 18092 / ECMA-340 : Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol-1 (NFCIP-1) [3] ISO/IEC 21481 / ECMA-352 : Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol-2 (NFCIP-2)[4]

NFC incorporates a variety of pre-existing standards including ISO/IEC 14443 both Type A (normal) and Type B (banking/short range), and FeliCa. NFC enabled phones thus show basic interoperability with the preexisting reader infrastructure. Especially in "card emulation mode" a NFC device should at least transmit a unique ID number to a pre-existing reader.

In addition, NFC Forum has defined a common data format called NDEF, which can be used to store and transport different kinds of items, ranging from any MIME-typed object to ultra-short RTD-documents, such as URLs.

NDEF is conceptually very similar to MIME. It is a dense binary format of so-called "records", in which each record can hold a different type of object. By convention, the type of the first record defines the context of the entire message.

[edit] NFC Forum

The Forum is a non-profit industry association announced on March 18, 2004 by NXP Semiconductors, Sony and Nokia to advance the use of NFC short-range wireless interaction in consumer electronics, mobile devices and PCs. The NFC Forum promotes implementation and standardization of NFC technology to ensure interoperability between devices and services. In September 2008, there were over 150 members of the NFC Forum.

[edit] GSMA

The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing 700 mobile phone operators across 218 countries of the world.

They have launched two initiatives:

On 13 February 2007, they published a white paper on NFC to give the point of view of mobile operators on the NFC ecosystem.[6]

  • the Pay buy mobile initiative seeks to define a common global approach to using Near Field Communications (NFC) technology to link mobile devices with payment and contactless systems.[7][8] To date, 30 mobile operators have joined this initiative.

[edit] StoLPaN

StoLPaN (‘Store Logistics and Payment with NFC’) is a pan-European consortium supported by the European Commission’s Information Society Technologies program. StoLPaN will examine the as yet untapped potential for bringing together the new kind of local wireless interface, NFC and mobile communication.

[edit] Other standardization bodies

Other standardization bodies that are involved in NFC include:

  • ETSI / SCP (Smart Card Platform) to specify the interface between the SIM card and the NFC chipset.
  • GlobalPlatform to specify a multi-application architecture of the secure element.
  • EMVCo for the impacts on the EMV payment applications.

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